Mission & Beliefs

Our Mission

We help all people find and follow Jesus. We are a church where everyone’s welcome, nobody’s perfect, and anything’s possible. At Central, discipleship is being a fully devoted follower of Jesus. We follow Jesus by praying, reading the Bible, sharing our faith, and serving others by being generous with our time and finances.

What We Believe

What you believe about God is the most important thing about you. We’re here to help you as you explore the spiritual side of life. Central is a place for people in every stage of their spiritual journey … a place where you can belong even before you believe.

While Central’s ministry is innovative, what we believe about God is not. Our core beliefs are centered in Christ and His message as found in the Bible. We believe in one God, who is existent in three persons–Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. We believe Jesus Christ is fully God and became fully man to save a lost world. We believe that the Holy Spirit guides us and that Christ is truly present in communion and baptism (we baptize babies and adults).

Central Lutheran is a member of the Northwest Synod of Wisconsin, ELCA.


The head of Central is Jesus Christ. Our goal is to reflect His priorities in all we do and how we do it.

Executive Team – The Executive Team consists of the president, vice president, and council secretary. It serves as the Personnel Committee of the congregation, according to the Personnel Policy of the congregation. They meet monthly and oversee the Council and Central staff.

Council – The Council is elected and is empowered by the congregation to give spiritual oversight to the church. They review major ministry decisions and ensure the church remains faithful to the Bible. They also are responsible for the financial workings of Central and put together an annual budget that is presented and voted upon at the congregational meetings.

Pastor – The Pastor provides spiritual leadership for the church through prayer, teaching, preaching, and administering the sacraments. Throughout the week, the Pastor serves on the management and leadership teams to help support and provide visionary and strategic leadership for the ministries of Central led by Central staff.